Saturday, October 31, 2015

Mindful Month--Wrap Up

Well friends, we did it! We worked through the month of October mindfully, together! The goal of this mindful month journey was to help us slow down and live more of our moments than we would have if we were to just go through each day like we do every other month. To be able to say when we got here that we didn't just get to October 31st and miss everything that passed by since the 1st because life was moving by too fast. I sincerely hope that that's what you got out of it. Even if you thought some of the days were silly (which they were) and even if you didn't celebrate all of them (I didn't either), I hope you took the time to at least think about how you could slow your days down and live your moments in a way that would help you, personally, live better this month and, ultimately, on past this month as well. 

If you know me in real life, you know that I really like quotes. And, there's a quote that says something along the lines of: "be thankful for this moment for this moment is your life." I hope that this month you were able to be thankful for all of your moments. And I hope that going forward you are able to focus more on those moments. Because, even though it's easy to lose the little things--the little moments--in the shuffle, these moments are your life. And that's nothing to take for granted. 

Thank you, once again, for taking this mindful month journey with me. You helped me fill my moments this month, as well. And for that, I'm so grateful. 

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