Friday, October 23, 2015

Mindful Month--Day 24

Tomorrow, October 24th, is National Make a Difference Day. A lot of days this month have been about filling our moments specifically by doing something for ourselves. But tomorrow is about filling our moments by doing something for someone else, and through that doing something for ourselves. It always feels good to do something for someone else. And if that something can make even the smallest bit of difference, it feels even better!

So, today, think about something that you can do tomorrow to make a difference. The day was originally created by USA Today as a community service day, but it can be used as a day to make any kind of difference really, no matter how big or how small! It doesn't have to be a big thing. It can be making coffee for someone you live with so they don't have to do it. It can be leaving a simple note for someone, even just a smiley face on a sticky note on the mirror. It can be holding the door for someone, even if it means waiting a few extra seconds. It can be helping someone with a project that you know they need help with. It can be donating to something that means something to you--either time or money. Or it can be signing up for an actual community service project. It can be a one day thing or it can be something that you start tomorrow and continue on with. Anything that you know will help someone out, in any way. Anything that you know will make any kind of difference. If you think it would make you feel better--if it would make you smile--do it for someone 

Use your moments tomorrow to make a difference and watch how it helps your own moments feel even fuller. Pretty cool how it works! 

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