Sunday, October 11, 2015

Mindful Month--Day 12

Hi there! We've gotten a little off on our mindful month schedule. But, I think going a little off course for yesterday's mental health post was well worth it. Not because I'm saying my post was so great, but simply because I'm hoping someone who needed to read it read it. But now we'll get back on track for the rest of the month and keep mindfully filling our days together. 

Today, October 11th, was National Coming Out Day (and if you took part in coming out today--congratulations! Know that your efforts in making your life the absolute best life for you do not go unnoticed!) National Clergy Appreciation Day, Southern Food Heritage Day, National Bassoon Day, and National Sausage Pizza Day. Wow on that long list! 

Tomorrow, October 12th, is National Kick Butt Day. Umm I love that. I think I might even love that one more than Ships-in-Bottles-Day! This one though, is another one that you can start tomorrow and continue forever. Whatever it is that you want to kick butt at, you can do it. Whatever you want to fill your moments with, you can do it. As cheesy as it sounds, if you can dream it, you really can do it. 

Slow down tomorrow, think about what it is that you want to kick butt at, and do it. I just know you can.  

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are awesome, Leigh.

    Thank you for the reminders to find the little things to celebrate and love every piece of life ❤️
