Monday, October 12, 2015

Mindful Month--Day 13

So, today was National Kick Butt Day. Did you do it? Did you decide on something that you want to kick butt at, and are you doing it? If so, hooray! If not, that's okay too! There's always another chance--you can always start tomorrow! That's the cool thing about life. If all goes as planned, tomorrow is always another chance. So if today wasn't your day to start kicking butt, try again tomorrow!

And, if you're ready to move on to another day tomorrow...tomorrow, October 13th, is National Train Your Brain Day. That one, like a few of the days recently, can mean a lot of different things. You can either take that literally to mean training your brain with something like crossword puzzles or math problems, or you can take it to mean training your brain to think differently, to see something differently, or to live your  life differently. But, whatever you take it to mean, what's cool is that it's up to you! 

It's my sincere hope that even if you think that the random silly days this month are well, silly, you will at least take advantage of these few days that give you the opportunity to slow down and take the time to fill your moments exactly the way you want to fill them. Your life is your life. No one is better at being you but you. But, you have to make a conscious effort to make your life the way you want it. 

And, if training your brain will help on that, then tomorrow is for you! Ready, go! 

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