Friday, October 2, 2015

Mindful Month--Day 3

So, did you do it? Did you smile today? I hope so! And I hope that you can truly say that you've lived the first two days of the month, mindfully. 

After I posted my post yesterday I started feeling a little guilty, if we're going to be honest here. I wasn't getting any views on my post. (Not that I write for the views, but I do normally get a couple views pretty quickly, and that tells me that people are at least clicking on my post and seeing what I'm writing.) And I thought maybe my positivity was too much on a day when there were very negative things going on in our country. I felt like maybe I was out of line telling people to smile when there were people across the country who were hurting. And, who am I to be telling people who may be hurting on any given day that they should be happy? But, there's got to be someone staying positive, right? Not that my little blog is going to make any kind of substantial difference. But it's a little piece in a big picture. And, when I woke up this morning to two messages from friends telling me that my blog was a happy way to start their morning, I decided that I didn't need to feel guilty for being positive. So, I pushed aside the little part of me that was considering stopping these posts, and we're moving on to day 3! 

Tomorrow, October 3rd, is Frugal Fun Day. (It's also National Virus Appreciation Day (what?) and World Card Making Day.) I like the ideal of frugal fun day. Remember when I talked about jumping in a puddle?! That counts! Do whatever makes you happy, and don't spend a lot of money (or any money) doing so. And, most importantly--since we're focusing on being mindful and living your moments in a way that you will remember them--do something that you will look back on and say "on October 3rd, I did (insert fun frugal activity here.)" 

And, as you move on to day 3 and beyond, don't forget day 2. Keep smiling. It's a lot easier to be mindful when you remember why you're doing so. It's a lot easier to remember why you're doing so when your head is in the right place. And it's a lot easier to keep your head in the right place when you make a conscious effort to smile. As hard as it may be some days, it's always at least worth it to try. 

Just smile. I know you can do it. 
We're in this mindful month together. 

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