Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mindful Month--Day 2

Welcome back! You've officially made it through one day of our mindful month! It wasn't too bad, was it? It didn't take too much time out of your day to stop and think, did it? Even if the only time you slowed down enough to think about it was while you were reading this blog post, I'll consider that a success! Solid work. I'm proud of you! 

I found out in the middle of the day today, though, that we missed celebrating a very important day today! Besides being National Vegetarian Day, today was also National Black Dog Day! For those of you that don't know, I have a black lab puppy. So, obviously I am going to celebrate him! And, obviously I'm going to include a picture of him for you right now in case you didn't have anything else to make you smile today! See what I mean about these random holidays?! Don't tell me that the opportunity to celebrate a puppy doesn't make you just a tiny bit happier.

Even though I could go on about my puppy probably indefinitely, I will move on to tomorrow's day. Tomorrow, October 2nd, is World Smile Day. This one is, without a doubt, my favorite. There were a couple options for tomorrow; World Smile Day narrowly beat out Name Your Car Day! So, tomorrow, take a few seconds to smile. Smile at someone you pass by on the street. Smile at someone in your class or the person behind you in the lunch line. Smile at someone you work with that you normally would just walk by. Smile at the lady in the window in the bank drive-through even though she didn't smile at you. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Just smile. It takes two seconds, and you never know the difference it can make, as cheesy as that sounds. I don't even mean that in the sense that you don't know the difference it can make in someone else's life. I mean, you don't know the difference it can make in your own. 

Slow down. Take a moment. Live that moment. And just smile. 

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