Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mindful Month.

Hi! Hello! Long time no see! I'm back. No excuses as to why I haven't been here. No stories about where I've been or what I've been doing (read: haven't been doing). Let's just jump right back in, shall we? 

Alright, so tomorrow is the first day of October! It's finally Fall! If you know anything about me, you know I love Fall. I love hoodies. I love the smells of Fall. I love the holidays in Fall. I love how cozy everything feels in Fall. But, if you know anything about me you probably also know that I do my best to find little things that I love all year round. I try to find little reminders of the good things everywhere. And I will be the first to admit that I love the random little holidays that pop up throughout the year--"tell your dog you love him day," "national jump in a puddle day," "eat as much ice cream as you want day." Okay, so maybe I made those three up...but they made you happy, didn't they? You can't tell me that the thought of randomly stopping for a second and telling your dog that you love him doesn't make you smile. And you are probably lying to yourself if you don't think that jumping in a puddle could be fun. And, don't even get me started on the excitement of eating as much ice cream as you want (considering of course your specific lactose needs, since a majority of the people in my life have those--don't go crazy just because it's "eat as much ice cream as you want day" and then blame me for the consequences!) 

But, fun aside, you know what else is cool about these random days that pop up throughout the year? They slow you down. They make you stop and think about the specific day that you are on. The day that you are having. It's so easy to let the days fly by us. It's so easy to let time pass and then look back and realize that we missed it. It's so easy to get stuck in the hubbub and not realize that the days that are going by will never happen again. Ever. 

I'm that person that remembers dates. Before Timehop and Facebook "on this day" memories existed I was the weirdo that would randomly throw out the "three years ago today this happened" fact that no one else remembered. I remember things because things matter to me. I remember things because I fully live in moments. And I'm not saying that to make myself seem better than you. I'm saying that to make you want to live your moments too.

So this month I'm challenging you. 

It's easy to think about October 31st, because that's Halloween. But, by the time you're there, you've missed the first 30 days of the month. And how many times have you stopped and thought about those days as they've gone by? It's so easy to get to the end of the month and think "wow, October is over already!" without even realizing that that was 31 whole days that you could have individually stopped and consciously lived if you would have made the effort to do so. 

So, I've put together a list for you of days that I found for us to celebrate this month. Some of them may seem silly. That's because they are. But, silly still makes you slow down and think. Silly makes you smile. And that in itself is something you may not have done, otherwise. Take that for what its worth. I personally think a smile a day is more than worth it! 

Tomorrow, October 1 is National Vegetarian Day. I'm including this one because I happen to love a couple vegetarians. When I was reading the descriptions of this one, they varied on what this day actually meant. Some said to take this day as a challenge to be a vegetarian for a day. Some said to research the change that vegetarians can make in our world. Some said to hug a vegetarian. So, do with it what you will. I'm simply sharing it with you as the first one because it matters to people I love. And what better way to start your month than with love? If vegetarianism means absolutely nothing in your world, that's okay. Think of something else you love and come back tomorrow!

Actually, come back every day this month! Stay tuned to see what you can do to live your days, and your moments, to their fullest, and to be mindful of every moment you have. 

Let's have a mindful month together! 

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