Friday, July 10, 2015


I was working on some paperwork and something struck me that never really has before--the word "unemployed." 

So many times I've had to check the "unemployed" box or said "nowhere right now" when I'm asked where I'm working. And, I've always thought of it negatively. I'm almost 25, I have a college degree and a certification, I worked for a little while after I graduated college...and now here I am. I'm "unemployed." It doesn't sound like a good thing.

It sounds like I failed. 

But then I started thinking of all the reasons someone could have to check the "unemployed" box. In my case, it's medical reasons. But it could be a number of other things. And who am I to put any negative label on the word for anyone else? And really, why am I even putting a negative label on it for myself? 

Yes, I am at a point in my life where I really expected to be working. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. 

Yes, most other people my age are working. And it's hard to always be the one that's different in that.

Yes, it's hard financially that I'm not working. It's not ideal to be almost 25 and still having to ask my parents for money. I feel guilty every single day about it and wish it were different. 

Yes, I wish I was working. Of course I do. I worked so so hard to get to the point where I had the tools and skills I needed to do exactly what I wanted to do with my life. But I'm not using them right now. I can't. But I will be able to one day. I won't always have to check the "unemployed" box.

And until then, it's okay. 

I'm not working in terms of a job, but I'm working to get better. I'm working on some projects that make me happy. I'm going to classes and working to train my puppy. I'm working on my friendships, my relationships, and myself. And I'm working to spread awareness of the ugly disease that is making me check that "unemployed" box. 

And I truly believe it will all work out. You can't sit and watch your life pass you by and expect it to work out, though. (But you can do what you need to do while you're sitting, I fully support sitting.) You have to keep pushing forward. Reach for what you want your life to be. And believe in yourself.

"Unemployed" doesn't mean hopeless. It's not synonymous with failure. And if it describes you right now--if that's the box you have to check for a while, while things get worked out--that's okay. 

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