Thursday, October 15, 2015

Mindful Month--Day 16

Today I was listening to the radio and apparently I missed telling you that today was also National Cheese Curd Day. So, if that was the day you would have rather celebrated today, sorry I missed it! 

Tomorrow, October 16th, is National Dictionary Day. When I was in college I used to challenge myself to learn one new word every day before I went to bed. I don't do it regularly anymore, but I definitely still appreciate words--our lives would be significantly less exciting without words. So, tomorrow, maybe challenge yourself to learn a new word too! It's a little thing, but it's fun. And sometimes a little fun thing is enough to make a positive difference in a day.

And, if you choose not to learn a new word, that is okay. If you choose not to do any of the things I mention on these days, that is okay. If you are reading these posts and you think that I am ridiculous, that is okay. If you aren't even reading these posts, that is okay. Your month is your month. Your moments are your moments. And whatever you choose to do with them is okay. 

Just know that whatever you are doing this month, however you are celebrating, however you are filling your moments, I believe in you. Whatever struggles you have along the way, you aren't alone. Whatever bad days you encounter, you will make it through. It's okay not to be okay. It's okay to want to be okay. It's okay to work to be better. 

Fill your moments mindfully, and it will all be okay. 

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