Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Mindful Month--Day 15

So, did you celebrate National Dessert Day? Are you reading this post with cake in your other hand? I celebrated by making 100 cookies for an event my dad has this weekend! (And I might even eat one after I write this post!)

Tomorrow has a couple options for us to celebrate. Tomorrow, October 15th, is National I Love Lucy Day, National Cake Decorating Day, and Chicken Cacciatore Day. So, pick whichever one of those is most up your alley, and go with it! (If you haven't had enough of National Dessert Day, maybe continue the celebration with National Cake Decorating Day!) 

Also, being honest with you again for a second, sometimes I feel like the days that I give you multiple options are kind of cheat days for my blogging. But then I realized that giving you choices is actually better. This mindful month is yours. The moments that we're filling are yours. And you need to decide how to fill them. So if you don't love Lucy, why should I tell you to love her for a day? So, choose your adventure tomorrow. Fill your moments the way you want to fill them. 

And, if that means filling them with lots of cake, more power to ya! 

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