Monday, October 5, 2015

Mindful Month--Day 6

When I thought about this mindful month idea, I thought it would be easy. I thought I would just find a fun day to write about everyday. I thought it would be easy to be positive about something fun that would help us slow down and really think our way through our days. I thought it would be no big deal. 


I mean, I'm not saying National-Ships-in-Bottles-Day didn't make me happy. Because it did. I'm not saying that the thought of people doing good things on Do Something Good Day didn't make my heart happy. Because it did. But, today the thought of sitting here and telling you that tomorrow you should celebrate National Noodle Day (yep, that's a thing!) didn't seem like a thing that I could do without lying to you. 

Lyme is hard. Sometimes life is hard. And whatever you may be going through right now is hard too. And that's okay. Me sitting here telling you that you aren't fully living if you having a tough time, and if you aren't being positive, isn't right and it isn't true. You are allowed to have a bad day every now and then, and you can still live mindfully for the rest of your month, and your month isn't ruined. Your moments aren't lost. You haven't messed everything up. Everything will be okay if you need to pick back up on your mindful month journey another day. Part of being mindful is realizing when you need to step back and breathe in order to move forward again. 

That's what I'm doing. And that is okay. 

But, if you do want to celebrate National Noodle Day tomorrow, go for it! Eat some noodles. And eat some noodles for me, too. 

And we'll pick back up together for day 7! 

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