Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"If you're interested..."

Today I had two doctors appointments. At the first, I had 22 injections in my head/face/neck/ears. (By the way, if anyone ever offers you that, say no and run away quickly) At the second, we discussed the fact that now I've "failed enough medicines" that I am eligible for some different kinds of things to try and help my headaches. And, as my neurologist was sitting there describing the new options to me, she kept saying "if that's something you're interested in trying." 

And I wanted to laugh when she said it. Such a weird statement. Such a weird situation. If I'm interested. Of course I'm not interested. But at the same time, of course I am. 

I'm not interested in more injections. I'm not interested in more pills. I'm not interested in new things that may or may not work. I'm not interested in being sick. I'm not interested in more appointments. 

But I'm absolutely, 100%, hands down, no doubt about it, interested in feeling better. 

I would be dumb to turn down something that might help me, when a billion other things haven't. There's got to be something that does, right? But sometimes I think I'm also dumb to continue to put myself through this. I wouldn't wish this stuff on my worst enemy. (Okay, maybe my worst enemy. ...Kidding, kidding.) 

I guess what it comes down to is saying yes one more time. Yes I'm interested in trying. Yes I'm interested in seeing if it works. Yes I'm interested in hoping that this will be the last time I have to say yes. 

No, I don't want to do it. 

But yes, I'm interested. 

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