Sunday, May 31, 2015

Thank you.

We did it! We spread Lyme awareness for another 31 days. 31 days felt like an eternity this year, but we did it. Yes we. I couldn't have done it this year without you. 

Thank you. 

Thank you for reading. 

Thank you for sharing my posts. 

Thank you for the messages I've received telling me that my blog is making a difference. 

Thank you for telling me that you're reading my blog at all. 

Thank you for telling your friends about it.

Thank you for taking the time to look further than just my blog and learning more than I can explain to you on my own. 

Thank you for asking me questions. 

Thank you for sending me pictures of your tick bite and asking me what to do. 

Thank you for making the days that I didn't feel like writing worth it. 

Thank you for reminding me that I'm not only writing for myself. 

Thank you for caring about yourself and the people in your life enough that you are willing to read my random Lyme-related ramblings every day for 31 days to help ensure that you/they never have to experience it. 

Thank you for helping me help you. 

We're making a difference. 

Thank you. 

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