Saturday, May 2, 2015


I figured I should start year two of this daily blogging thing with an update. Me now. A recap of me and my life this past year. Just in case you haven't read any of my posts since the end of May last year. (In which case, minimize this window and get 'ta reading! But be sure to come back! I'll be waiting.) 

1. I'm still sick. 
2. I still don't have a job. 
3. I don't see myself being able to get one anytime soon. 
4. I am semi-okay with that at this point. I have come to the realization that healing comes first. I can't help anyone else until I help myself. 
5. I don't have a port anymore. But I have two huge, puffy scars to remind me of them. 
6. I wish I still had my port. (Yes, you read that correctly.) There's a sense of security that comes with having the ability to get medicine directly into my body when I need it. And now I don't have that. It's kind of bittersweet. 
7. I don't have a doctor. My doctor passed away at the end of 2014 and I have yet to find a new one. (If you're reading this, have Lyme, have a doctor, and live near me, let me know!) The inability to find a new doctor that can/will help me is not for lack of trying. It's the battle I had at the beginning of my Lyme journey all over again. 
8. I still have a headache. 
9. Every day. 
10. I'm still hopeful. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't count my lucky stars, look in the mirror, and realize that I'm a lucky girl. It's been another year that has sucked the life right out of me. But I'm still standing. Somehow. (Actually I'm usually sitting/laying/reclining in some fashion) 
And that's nothing to take for granted. 

I can't promise you that this month of blogging is all going to be positive. I can't promise you that I'm not going to complain. I can't promise you 31 days of eloquently written thoughts. But I can promise you 31 days of the truth--be it ugly, happy, and anything in between. 

And I hope that, in turn, you can promise me 31 days of effort. Understanding isn't always easy, I know. But it's possible. You can do it. 

We did it together last year. We can do it again. 

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