Thursday, May 7, 2015

Open your eyes.

This morning I went to the airport. Just me, my bag of medicine in my carry on--the every day stuff, the just in case stuff, the new stuff that I haven't even had the chance to try yet after my appointment yesterday--my headache patches, yoga pants and tshirts, because real clothes hurt, my medical alert bracelet on my wrist, and anxiety all throughout my body. 

After a lovely chat with the guy that checked my bag, about how to pronounce my name (just in case you don't know me in real life, it's spelled Leigh, pronounced like Lee. Just to clear that up.) I got to security. I went through security with my medical bracelet on, after the lady looked at it and realized what it was. The lady behind me tried to go through with her jewelry on, and didn't have the same luck. She proceeded to complain to the security lady that she should be allowed through with her jewelry if I was allowed through with mine. 


I would almost understand if I had multiple bracelets on, like she did. I would almost understand if I didn't have to show it to the security lady. I would almost understand if I didn't take the steps I needed to, or if I made a big deal out of it being a medical bracelet and needing special treatment. But none of that was the case. 

And, in the greater scheme of things, it's not a big deal. At all. But it was just one more reminder of how my life is different. Not necessarily bad. Just different. And honestly, my medical bracelet makes me feel so safe, that I don't really even care that she had a problem with it. I do hope, though, that if she ever has a situation in her life that causes her to need a medical bracelet, that it will open her eyes a little. 

That's another reason I write this blog. To open your eyes. Have you ever thought about traveling with the added difficulty of being sick? Granted it's not impossible, but it's a little more difficult than just packing my clothes and going. 

I'm not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me. There's nothing to feel sorry for me for. I am telling you this to make you think about something that you've probably never thought about before. To make you understand the importance of doing anything and everything you can to ensure that you and the people you love aren't affected by Lyme. 

Yes, there are other situations that make traveling difficult as well, but I can't tell you anything about those. I can, however tell you over and over again the importance of learning about Lyme. Even if it's just reading my blog. Do what you've gotta do. 

Open your eyes. 

It's important. 

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