Saturday, May 16, 2015

Gap years.

The other day I was watching a movie that mentioned taking a "gap year." I had never heard that term before, but apparently it's the time between either high school and college or college and real life that you take off to do other things. Most people use it to travel, or work to earn some money, or go on adventures. It's time to figure things out and get things done.

I guess you could say I'm taking a few gap years. 

They weren't part of my original plan. But they kind of forced themselves upon me. I tend to fight the thought of this time that I'm not able to do what I planned on doing with my life. But really, when I think about it in terms of being sort of like a gap year, it doesn't seem quite as bad. 

I'm taking this time to get things done. 

Sure, they aren't fun things. They aren't adventures in the sense that I would want them to be. And the only traveling I'm doing on a regular basis is to and from doctors offices. But I'm getting things done, regardless. I'm working on getting my life back so I can move on. 

So that's how I'm going to look at it from this point forward. It's not going to take the disappointment and frustration away completely. And I can't promise that I'm always going to be able to be positive about it. But a little bit of positive perspective goes a long way in making this life a little easier. 

And I'll do whatever it takes.  

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