Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Well, at least it's not cancer..."

Yesterday's topic was the one that was the hardest for me--the one that makes me feel most like "the sick girl." Today's topic is the one that makes me the most angry. And, unfortunately, it is one of the most common things I hear when people find out I have Lyme.

"Well, at least it's not cancer..."

Now, you're probably thinking that the reason this particular response bothers me is because I feel like my disease is just as bad as cancer, or because I feel like people are minimizing my struggles by comparing them to cancer. And, while those things do cross my mind in the midst of my anger, that's not the biggest issue I have here. 

You're right...at least it's not cancer. Cancer is a terrible, ugly, life-altering disease. Absolutely. 100%. But, what does that have to do with me? What does cancer have to do with Lyme? And, subsequently, what does Lyme have to do with cancer? 

If you answered "nothing," you are correct. 

Cancer has nothing to do with Lyme. Cancer has nothing to do with Lupus. Cancer has nothing to do with Fibromyalgia. Cancer has nothing to do with the common cold. Cancer has nothing to do with anything but cancer. 

And, while I don't have cancer, I feel like I can probably speak for someone who does in saying that they don't want their situation compared to mine or anyone else's, either. Why is cancer the go-to indicator of a hard time? If I did have cancer, I wouldn't want someone who had another disease, or any other life struggle in general, to be put down just because they don't have the same thing as me. Their battle is their battle. My battle is my battle. Your battle is your battle. There is nothing to compare. 

So, next time you hear that someone in your life has a disease, or any kind of challenge that they're having to face, think before you speak. Don't compare them to anyone else.

I wouldn't tell you that you are lucky you have what you have instead of what I have. 

Please don't do it to me either. 

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