Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Lyme break.

Today I just don't want to talk about Lyme. Good thing I have a million random things I can tell you! Let's start with 25...

1. I have 14 birthmarks. 
2. I love a highlighted, organized agenda book more than I love most things. 
3. My bedroom used to be painted pink, blue, green, and yellow (one wall each color) and my carpet was purple. You are allowed to be jealous.
4. One of the things I miss the most is playing my clarinet. But I absolutely love sharing my love for it with my private lessons student. 
5. I love Idina Menzel. And I really love Taye Diggs. (And I recently read that they separated...heyyy, Taye!)
6. I used to have a fish named Taye Diggs. 
7. I want an English bulldog named Buddha. 
8. I skipped number 8 when I originally made this list, and I had to add this when I was looking back through before I posted it. 
9. I absolutely love train rides. My favorite way to travel is Amtrak. 
10. I love having a clean room, but I hate cleaning it. 
11. My favorite season is Fall. 
12. I have an obsession with jars. Mason jars, old candle jars, cool shaped glass jars. All of them. 
13. I only use green toothbrushes. 
14. If I could glitter everything in my life, I would.
15. I have a huge sock collection, and it's sorted into two drawers--everyday and holidays. 
16. I really like musicals and soundtracks.
17. If I could give gifts every day of my life, I would. 
18. Mythbusters is my guilty pleasure and my life got a little brighter the day I found it on Netflix. 
19. Sometimes, I try to go through my whole day only buying things that I have coupons for. 
20. I have always wished that I could draw. 
21. When my shampoo and conditioner match, my life seems more together. 
22. I got stung by a furry black caterpillar when I was little. It was much less cute after it stung me. 
23. I love to bake, but I hate washing the million dishes afterwards. If I ever became a professional baker, I would have to hire a baking assistant/dishwasher. 
24. I have a huge phobia of styrofoam. 
25. I'm a pro parallel parker.

Hope you enjoyed this Lyme-free post! Don't worry, if you liked the Lyme posts, they will be back tomorrow. 

Thanks for reading! 

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