Friday, May 2, 2014

10 things not to say to someone with Lyme...

If you asked me what about Lyme awareness is the most important--the one thing that I want you to walk away from this month having learned from me--I wouldn't even have to think twice. I think the most important thing when it comes to awareness about any cause, any situation, any person, is compassion. I don't expect you to understand right away. Of course. That would be an unreasonable request. But, if you can learn one thing, it's this list of 10 things that you should try and avoid when talking to someone with Lyme. 

1. "You're SO lucky you can just lay around all day!"
2. "My dog had Lyme once."
3. "Are you ever going to get a job?"
4. "Well at least it's not cancer!"
5. "But you don't look sick..."
6. "Maybe if you just went to the gym..."
7. "You're just depressed."
8. "Do you even want to get better?"
9. "I wish I got pain medicine!" 
10. "You're STILL sick?!"

I will take the next 10 days to go into why each of these things hurts, as well as things to maybe say instead. But, for now, I'll just leave you with the list. 

Just remember, we are always willing to explain. We are always willing to answer your questions--about this disease, about our lives, about anything you don't understand. But jumping to conclusions and making assumptions does no one any good. 

No one is perfect, but compassion speaks volumes. 

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