Friday, May 16, 2014

Sympathy vs. Empathy

If there's one thing I want you to understand about my blog, my story, and my attitude about this whole situation, it's that I don't want sympathy. I do, however, understand and appreciate the importance of empathy. 

(Wait Leigh, there's a difference?

Yes, yes there is.)

Before I was sick, I didn't really understand the difference either. But now, I am definitely aware and it even though it may seem small, it does matter. 

Sympathy means that you feel bad for me. You feel bad that I am sick, and you feel bad for me for all the things I have gone through, the things I can't do, etc. 

I don't want sympathy. I don't need you to feel bad for me; my situation is not all bad. 

Empathy means that you understand my situation or, more importantly, you understand that it's not always easy. You don't feel bad for the fact that things are hard, but you recognize that they are. Empathy can come from the fact that you have also lived with a chronic illness or just from the fact that you have taken the time and effort to work to understand my situation. 

I appreciate empathy. More than you know. 

So, if you are here reading this and feeling bad for me, or for anyone with Lyme...don't. Please don't. Instead, read up on Lyme--either on my blog, in a book, on the internet, or anywhere else you can find the facts.

Sympathy doesn't do anyone any good.

I switched my sympathetic mindset a long time ago, and things have looked a lot brighter ever since. Of course I still have days when I feel bad for myself, but the days that I choose not to feel bad for myself, I get a little closer to being okay again. And I would really appreciate it if you did the same. 

There's never any need for sympathy. There's always a need for empathy and understanding. 

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