Thursday, May 8, 2014

"Maybe if you just went to the gym..."

This one bothers me for a couple reasons...

1. Unless you are a magical Lyme healer, do you really know what will help me? (And if you are a magical Lyme healer, why have you not healed me yet?! Get on it!) I appreciate you trying, but I would appreciate it more if you didn't pretend to know what I need. 

2. You have no idea what my doctor has told me. You don't know if I'm even allowed to exercise. Until you ask me my limitations, please do not assume that I'm just lazy and choosing not to go to the gym for lazy reasons. It's not a lack of motivation. Or a lack of caring about my body. It's a sincere lack of ability at this point, and it doesn't help me to hear you tell me what to do. 

3. There are many other ways to exercise--both my body and my mind. A walk is a huge deal when my body hurts, but I do it when I can. I don't need to go go the gym to be active (and active is a relative term). Going to the gym isn't the only option. 

And, above all, it's never considerate or respectful to tell someone what to do. This is no different. I'm sick, not incapable of thinking on my own. I know the importance of exercise, and I know that it's a great thing for a lot of people. And maybe one day it will be a great thing for me, too.

But, for now, please don't tell me what you think I need to do. I don't do it to you, please respect me enough not to do it to me, either. 

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