Wednesday, May 21, 2014

An open letter to Lyme.

Dear Lyme--

I originally was planning on just writing you this letter to tell you how much I dislike you. But, now that I think about it, I guess I should give you a little bit of credit, too. My mom always told me "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." But, since I do mostly despise you, let's start there.

When we first met, however many years ago, I didn't think you were that bad. You're not very attractive. But you do make a lot of money. A LOT of money. And, it's what's on the inside that counts right? Little did I know at the time that you're actually even uglier on the inside! And you definitely aren't someone I'd want to take home to my parents. But, since I didn't really have a choice about giving you a chance, I tried really hard to look at the parts of you that weren't that bad. But, don't get a big head, you're mostly terrible. 

I wouldn't go straight to saying that you ruined my life, but you definitely changed it, and not for the better. You have taken big parts of my cognitive function. You've even gone as far as to leave your lesions on my brain. (You're not cool just because you have lesions, just so you know!) You have thrown so much extra weight at me, and taken any body that I did have before. (I appreciate you trying to give me things, but I do not appreciate what you chose to give me. You can have that back.) You have taken my strength and left me with wimpy muscles, angry nerves, and skin that doesn't even know what to do with itself most days. You have taken my friends. (You did leave me with a few though, so thank you for that!) You have taken away the things I had planned for my life at this point. (And you know how I feel about plans.) And you continue to stomp on me on a daily basis, making it very clear that you are a huge thief, leaving so much destruction in your path. 

But, like I said, I guess I do have to give you a little credit. You have made me realize a lot of things that I probably wouldn't have realized if you weren't in my life. You have made me see the little things, every single day. You have shown me that most people have struggles, and you have helped me recognize that they aren't always things I can see from the outside. You have brought people into my world that I wouldn't have otherwise, and they brighten my life more than I could have ever expected. You have made me fall deeper in love with DIY projects, and you have given me time to do them. And, speaking of time, you have made me appreciate, and use, every second of good time that I have. So, I mean, thank you for those things. Thank you for making me a better person. (But I still mostly hate you.) 

If this letter makes you feel bad about yourself, and if you are now feeling like you want to leave me, I fully support that decision. I have given you a lot, but I am not mad if you want to go away for good; I've already gotten pretty good at living with the things you've taken from me. If you choose to focus on the positives of this letter, I respect your attitude. However, if you really want to earn my full respect, please pack your bags. 

Thank you for hearing me out. (Must be nice to be able to hear without ringing in your ears or nausea from the sounds around you. I wouldn't know, you took that from me, too.) Do with this what you will. But, please know that you have long overstayed your welcome. 

Mostly hate you,

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