Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Try these instead...

We made it to the end of our 10 days of things not to say to someone with Lyme! I hope you learned something. And, if you read any of those 10 things and thought "I've said that before," I hope that you will think next time, and maybe choose to say something else instead. 

If you're stumped on what to say instead, try something along these lines...

1. "I know you can't go out, want to stay in and watch a movie or something?"--I have a whole list in my head of things that we can do inside, sitting still. And I would love to hang out and do any of those things. Just because I can't go out all the time, it doesn't mean we can't hang out. 

2. "I know you're trying."-- I don't want sympathy. I just want the realization that it's an ongoing battle. A battle that I have every intention of winning. I'm not better yet, but I am trying. You don't have to understand the ins and outs of my fight, but if you can see that I'm doing all I can, that's all I can ask of you. 

3. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"--Chances are, I will say no. But,it doesn't hurt to ask, and it makes me feel like you care enough to try and help. And that means more than you know. 

4. "I'm here to listen if you ever want to talk."--Because, sometimes (most of the time), that's all I need. I know you don't necessarily understand Lyme, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it. Maybe you'll learn something, too. I am not going to shove my problems down your throat all of the time, but every now and then it's nice to be able to talk about it. 

5. "I read your blog." --This is, without a doubt, the greatest thing you could say to me. I don't write these things to make you feel bad for me. I don't write them to make you feel bad for the things you've said to me, or anyone else in your life with Lyme, in the past. And I don't write them to bring attention to myself. I write them to bring attention to Lyme. Every one of you that reads my blog is one more person who knows Lyme exists. Every person who knows Lyme exists is one more person who is less likely to get it. And if I can contribute to that awareness, I'm doing what I set out to do. So, as simple as it sounds, "I read your blog" it means more than pretty much anything else. 

Of course, like I've said before, we never have to talk about Lyme at all. There is so much more that we can talk about. (I am a big fan of puppies, DIY projects, baking, etc.) But, I thought I would give you a few suggestions if you do want to say something about my Lyme. I didn't want to tell you 10 things not to say without helping you think of what to say instead. 

Thanks for still being on this month long daily blogging journey with me! If you've been reading all month, I appreciate you. If you're reading this as the first time you've read my blog, I appreciate you. And, if this is the last post you choose to read, I still appreciate you.

A little awareness is better than none. 

I appreciate all of it. 

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