Saturday, May 24, 2014

Good days.

Good days are tough.

(Hold on, said GOOD days.)

You're right. I did. 

I appreciate good days. Of course. More than anything. And I take advantage of every second. I am by NO means minimizing a good day. 

But, good days come to an end. I am left with the physical pain of a good day when I lay down at night--every step I take during the day leaves me with random pains when the day is over, every store I go in leaves me totally sensory overloaded by nighttime, and sometimes I'm left with hives. I do my best to try to look at every pain or bad feeling as a reminder of my good day, but sometimes it is hard. 

And, the hardest part of a good day the next day. It's like a good day hangover. When you go along with a few bad days in a row, it feels pretty normal. But, when you stick a good day in there, the high seems extra high, but the low also seems extra low. A good day brings about both extremes. 

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good day. I LOVE a good day actually. But it's just another Lyme struggle that you probably have never thought about. It's easy to assume that a good day goes without consequence. A good day automatically seems all good. But it's not. 

But, every good day is one step closer to a time when all of my days will be good days again. And that hope for the future makes it all worth it. 

Good days are tough. But nothing is impossible. 


  1. You are such an inspiration to me, Leigh. Only a writer could articulate the real life of a person with Lymes. I am so proud of how you handle Lymes and how you don't let it handle you. I love reading these. <3
