Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Thank you.

I have started writing probably 5 different posts now about 5 different things and erased them. I just couldn't figure out what to write about for you tonight. And then I started thinking about it--I'm not just writing this for you, I'm writing this for me too. Sometimes I get so caught up in feeling like I need to write something that you will want to read, or pull myself together to write eloquently for everyone who is reading this. But I don't need to always do that. This is my blog. This is for me too. I need to think about me too. What do I need to write for me tonight?

The answer to that question is much more simple. I need to say thank you.

My life is real messy right now. I'm sick, I'm stressed, I'm emotional, I'm tired. I'm what you would call "a hot mess." Hot meaning 99% of the time I am sweating because I am also weaning off of one medication to prep myself to go on another one.

But you know what else? I am so thankful. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with how incredible I have it. Behind all the pain, squished between all the crazy symptoms, I have the best people in my life. I say thank you probably 100 times a day and it doesn't feel like it even brushes the surface of how many times I should be saying it.

So, let me say it again. Thank you.

If you are the friend that doesn't talk to me about my Lyme because sometimes I just want to talk about other things--thank you.

If you are the friend that brings me gluten free cookies because you know that sometimes I just need cookies in my life--thank you.

If you are the friend that texts me "I love you" reminders--thank you.

If you are the friend that puts up with my late night super emotional text messages because I just need someone who gets it when things are the scariest, and you truly get it--thank you.

If you are the friend that checks on me when you haven't heard from me all day--thank you.

If you are the friend that tells me that I am going to be okay when I feel like I'm going to be everything but okay--thank you.

If you are the friend that drives around with me with the music up, singing at the top of our lungs, forgetting all the bad things--thank you.

If you are the friend that is reading this right now--thank you.

Yes, you.

Thank you.

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