Thursday, May 26, 2016


I have started writing probably five different blog posts today and deleted them. I can't decide what to talk to you about. I can't decide how I'm even feeling or what I want to tell you. So let's make a list. Let's make a list of 26 (because today is the 26th day of the month) random things to be happy about.

1. Sunshine. Especially after what seems like a million days of clouds and rain.
2. Friends who get it. Whatever your "it" may be.
3. Chinese food.
4. Air conditioning.
5. Making cupcakes for other people. Or with other people.
6. Driving with the music up.
7. Sending random "I love you" texts to friends.
8. People watching.
9. Making plans with a friend.
10. The stationary aisle.
11. Road trips.
12. Seeing someone succeed.
13. Frozen kit-kats. Or any frozen chocolate. Except rolos. Those hurt your teeth.
14. A color-coded calendar.
15. Hugs.
16. A new tube of toothpaste.
17. Paying in exact change.
18. A fully charged phone.
19. Someone who will just listen when you need it the most.
20. Discovering that your favorite old movie is being played on tv or that it's on Netflix.
21. Leggings.
22. Family. Even when they are annoying.
23. Walking through an awkward part of an conversation in public and being with someone else who caught it too.
24. Remembering that you bought your favorite drink and it's waiting for you in the fridge.
25. Realizing how lucky you are.
26. Lists.

So, there you go! 26 random things to be happy about. I hope some of them are relevant in your world. And I hope they make you think about other things to be happy about, too.

No matter what, there are always reasons to be happy.

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