Monday, May 9, 2016


Being sick is confusing.

It's confusing how you can know your truth so certainly, yet someone else can so certainly tell you that it is wrong. It's confusing how you can try to stand up for yourself and get beaten down just as quickly. It's confusing how someone can look you in the eye and tell you that they can't do anything for you when you're desperately asking for help.

It's confusing how your body can so intensely fight against you when you're the only one living in it--the only one on it's side. It's confusing how you can give your body what it needs, yet it won't give you what you need in return.

It's confusing how you can live with something for so long but it still seems just as raw every single day that you wake up and realize that it's still there. It's confusing how it never feels okay. It's confusing how the fear still feels so palpable and the tears still fall so readily. It's confusing how it never gets easier no matter how much time passes.

It sucks. And it's nothing I would ever wish on anyone. If you are sick and confused, know that that feeling is valid. You are not alone. I don't understand either.

Being sick is just confusing.

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