Sunday, May 8, 2016

10 things.

Today I don't want to talk about Lyme. I don't want to do it, so I'm not going to do it. Instead I'm going to tell you 10 random things about me that you might not know! 10 things that make me more than my Lyme.

1. I only buy green toothbrushes.
2. I am borderline obsessed, in the least creepy way possible, with Idina Menzel. I saw her twice in one week this past summer.
3. I never use just one emoji. I always put at least two in a row. Normally three.
4. I have a birthmark on my ankle that is shaped like the Statue of Liberty. And 13 other birthmarks.
5. I collect smashed pennies and get super excited when I see a penny machine somewhere.
6. I will not walk on a storm drain or a grate on a sidewalk if I can at all avoid it. I'm convinced there are dead bodies in them.
7. I have a phobia of Popsicle sticks.
8. I love having things written down. If I could handwrite everything, I would. I love handwritten notes, addressing envelopes, having a paper planner, all of it.
9. I fully believe in sending random text messages to remind the people in my life that I love them. I am all about little reminders like that and I will never be too busy or too anything to take the time to do it. You never know when someone needs it.
10. I hate the smell of crayons.

So, there you go! 10 random things about me! Tomorrow I'll be back with Lyme things, but today I couldn't do it. And that's okay!

There's more to me than Lyme. And that is okay too.

Thanks for taking this journey with me! You are more than your struggles too, whatever they may be! Whatever you are going through, you can do it! If no one else has told you today, I believe in you.

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