Sunday, May 14, 2017

Someone who will just listen--survival key #9

#9: someone who just listens. 

When you're sick, there are a lot of people who want to hear your story. But, you learn very quickly that a lot of people want to hear, but not many people want to actually listen. 

It's super important to find someone who will just listen. 

Someone who won't tell you what they think you're doing wrong. Someone who isn't going to automatically tell you you need a therapist. Someone who isn't going to tell you that this is happening to you for a reason. Someone who will be there when you don't even really know what you need. Someone who won't leave you feeling even more alone. Someone who will just listen. 

It's hard. It's hard to realize that some people are always going to have an opinion and advice that isn't going to be helpful. It's hard when you feel like you aren't asking for much but it seems like you can't get that one thing. It's hard to realize that some people who you thought you could talk to--who you thought would listen--aren't who you thought they were.

But it's worth losing the people who need to be out of your life to find the ones who need to be in it. To find someone who will just listen. 

This Lyme life will leave you lonely. But, I'm convinced that there is someone out there who will just listen. We just have to keep trying til we find them. 

I know you can do it. 

1 comment:

  1. If people can't fix something, in this case, Lyme, they tend to ignore it or run away. I used to tell my husband (when I had cancer), I don't want you to fix it, just be with me. He finally got it. It got to the point where I would announce, "I'm going to cry" and he would come out and hold my hand until I was done. It really does take someone special to simply listen without giving advice. I am glad I have a few who can do so.
