Thursday, May 4, 2017

Best friends--survival key #1

I've decided, for the next 10 days of posts, to talk about 10 things that you can't live without when you have Lyme--or any chronic illness, probably. 

So here we go! 

#1: a best friend. 

I'm super fortunate in the friend category. I have amazing humans that have somehow decided that I am an okay enough human that they want me in their world. How and why they have decided this, I'm never really sure. I am, however, always incredibly grateful. 

A best friend is an integral piece of survival when you're sick. Even though they don't necessarily understand the ins and outs of your illness or your exact struggles, they know the ins and outs of your heart. And, when it comes down to it, that's what's really important. 

A best friend is your sounding board. Your shoulder when you need one. Your distraction when you need one. Your chef when you need one. Their couch is your movie theatre seat when you can't do anything else. And they fill in every gap in between. 

A best friend gets it when you don't talk to them for a little while because your illness is taking over. A best friend doesn't make you feel guilty for the life you're having to live now. And a best friend will help you pick up the pieces--because, when you're sick, there are always pieces to be picked up. 

Without my best friends, I would be much more lonely, a lot more grumpy, and all around less of a functioning human. 

Without my best friends this journey would be hopeless. 

If you're reading this and you're one of the people that I am lucky enough to call my best friend, thank you. I am forever grateful. Forever honored to be walking this life with you, even though I can't always keep up. And forever thankful that you've stuck around. I truly believe that "in sickness and in health" is a friendship vow, as well, and I'm so glad you are honoring that one. I love you. 

And, if you're reading this and don't know me or you don't feel like this applies to you, I appreciate you reading, anyway. Everything that I'm going to talk about for the next 10 days (9 after this one) is an important part of awareness, too. Each one of these things is necessary, outside of the actual meds and stuff, for survival when you're sick. Because survival doesn't just mean that your heart is still beating--survival goes much deeper than that when it's what you're fighting for every day. And I hope over the next 9 days I can show you that. 

Thank you. Whoever you are. Thank YOU. 

1 comment:

  1. Agree 100% My bestie if definitely your Aunt Gemma. I have one or two others as well. Also, my neighborhood is great. I'm glad you have some amazing friends. I know they adore you.
