Monday, May 1, 2017

Lyme month--year 4!

Andddd, it's that's time again! Welcome to year 4 of Lyme awareness month here with me! 

If you're reading this and you are new here--welcome! Thanks for stopping by. It is my goal every May (and really every day all year) to share my story, and the reality of Lyme with you. If I do my job here right, when the month is over you will be one more person who can spread awareness and do all you can to keep the people in your world healthy and Lyme-free. And that's amazing. Thank you thank you. 

If you're reading this and you have been around for a while--welcome back! Thank you so much for your continued support and love. It's amazing to have a place where I can share my truth, no matter how ugly it is, and have people who care enough to read it and do good with it. I appreciate you so much. 

If you're reading this and you have Lyme, too--you are not alone. I know that the concept of needing awareness for something that is your life can be weird. I know that this journey sucks. And I know how deeply lonely it can be. But please, please know that you aren't truly alone. I believe in you and I am on your side. 

If you are reading this and you love someone with Lyme--you are not alone, either. I know that loving someone with Lyme, or any kind of illness, can be so tough. But I hope you know that you're appreciated and your efforts don't go unnoticed. Thank you for all that you do. 

If you are reading this and you don't believe in Lyme, or you don't believe that it's as bad as I make it seem--I'm sorry that you can not see the scary truth that's in front of you. And I also sincerely hope that you never have to live a life that is considered by so many people to be fake or over-exaggerated. I hope that you never have to be told that it's all in your head. I hope you never have to be doubted as your body is fighting as hard as it can and your heart can hardly take anymore. I hope you never truly understand. Because I would never wish this on anybody. 

If you are reading this and you think you may have Lyme--please stop what you're doing right now and make a doctors appointment. Be your own advocate. And do what you need to do to save your life. And please, please contact me if you have any questions or need any help doing so. It matters. You matter. 

And if you're reading this at all--be sure to come back tomorrow for another post! I can't promise that every post this month will be eloquently written and pretty, but I can promise you the truth that needs to be heard. 

Thank you for being here. You are the best. 

Yes, you. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice job spreading awareness. I believe you. My daughter believes you. We went so many years with so many doctors telling her it was in her head. She never tested positive for Lyme. She has ehrlichiosis. It's from a different tick. We finally find a doctor who believed her.
