Sunday, May 7, 2017

An interruption.

I interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to bring you something besides a survival key because there's something I saw that bothered me today and I need to tell you about it. (Wow on that run-on sentence.) 

Let's talk about this quote: "the healthy have many wishes, the sick only have one." 

Now, of course, I'm only one person. I can only speak for myself. But I also have quite a few friends who are sick also and I'm pretty sure they would agree with me. I'm sick and I sure as hell have more than one wish. 

If you were to ask me what I wished for, I would say having my health back is number one. I'll give you that. However, my list doesn't stop there, by any means. 

So, I thought I would share with you a list of my current wishes. The things I would wish for on a birthday candle. Or a shooting star. 

  1. Delivery Chick-fil-A 
  2. A bigger vehicle
  3. 24/7 sweatshirt weather. 55-60 degrees preferably. 
  4. A new computer 
  5. Delivery Chipotle
  6. A teleportation device 
  7. An apple watch
  8. A shed to run my business out of 
  9. A puppy 
  10. A self cleaning bathroom 

So, there you have it. 

It feels kind of unfair to me to assume that just because I'm sick it automatically means that nothing else besides getting my health back matters. Of course I'm working diligently to get my health back. Of course I wish for that every chance that I get. But, sometimes a girl can throw a penny in a fountain and wish for a drone to deliver tacos to her house, you know?! 

Just because I'm sick that doesn't mean that everything else around me shuts down. It doesn't mean that all I can see is sickness vs health. It doesn't mean that I'm nothing if not my sickness. 

So next time you see that quote, or a variation of it, because there are many variations that I've seen, think before you repost it. Think about the fact that it kind of sucks to see the mindset that just because I'm sick I don't have anything else worth wishing for. 

I may have Lyme, but Lyme doesn't have all of me. And this is a perfect example of that.  

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