Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hope, sleep, repeat.

There have been some days lately when I've been feeling pretty crappy. I haven't known what to write here or how to talk about it because I have never wanted this blog to just be an update space for my Lyme life. I could easily have just posted "I DONT FEEL WELL LYME SUCKS AND THINGS ARE BAD RIGHT NOW." It would have gotten my message across. Give or take a few punctuation marks. But it kind of lacks the mood that I try to keep going around here. 

I have always prided myself on my ability to hold onto hope. Even when things have been the darkest. And I wouldn't, by any means, say things are the darkest right now. My head is not in a bad place. But my body is. And it's hard to hold onto hope when there are days when you can't even hold onto a cup. 

You know? 

But I'm doing it. Sometimes right now I just need to sleep when I can. Because that's all my body can do. And that's okay. I wake up and try again. I'm holding on tight to the things in my life that make me really happy, to keep my head in the good place that it is right now, even though my body isn't there with it. And I'm using the little bit of strength that I have left after that to hold onto hope. 

Because sometimes that all you can do. And that is okay. 

Just hope, sleep, repeat. 

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