Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Lyme month day 8–One line.

If there is one thing you take away from my blog I hope it is that you should never, ever, say the following line to anyone. Whether they have a chronic illness or not. But especially if they do.

“Oh, well AT LEAST you don’t have...”

Please. For the love of all things. Do. Not. Say. That. 

Do not say it that way. Do not say any variation of it. Do not say the abridged version. Do not say it really fast in the middle of saying something else hoping they don’t hear it. Do not say it to their friend. Do not say it behind their back. Do not say it to their face thinking it’s better than saying it behind their back. Do not say it because you think you’re helping.

Do not say it here or there. Do not say it anywhere. -Not actually Dr Seuss but I felt like that’s where I was headed with that. 

Just do not say it. 

It is not helpful. It does not make anyone feel better. Nothing positive comes from that line. Even with the best intentions, it is hurtful. 

This is not meant to make you feel bad if you’ve said it. This is not a personal message to anyone. This is an attempt at helping you avoid inevitable hurt with that line by simply knowing not to use it. 

Just please don’t say it. Avoiding that one line, those 7 words, can avoid a world of hurt for someone you care about. 

Stay tuned for a post tomorrow on things to say instead!

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