Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Lyme month day 22–A Little Positivity

I’ve had a few people mention lately that my blog has been less than positive. And they’re right. Because sometimes Lyme is less than positive. And that’s where I’ve been lately. But, it is for sure not always like that. So today I’m going to make an updated list of positive things that being sick has taught me recently. 

  1. There are a lot of genuinely good people in the world. And a lot of people who will care a lot, if you let them. 
  2. If you get a tattoo under your boob in a cursive font and then have tests and procedures done on or around your chest, you will constantly be asked what that tattoo says. And, if that tattoo is a positive message, you get to share that every single time. Even though that wasn’t the plan when you got it. (But, at the same time, maybe you should rethink your font choice next time if you aren’t down with constantly boob-lifting for better viewing while you’re laid out on the doctor’s table. Just a thought, future self.)
  3. Losing friends is one of the hardest parts of being sick. And of life in general. But holding on tighter to and loving bigger on the ones you have left is one of the best.
  4. There is a stillness after a particularly tough time. Kind of like the calmness on the water after a big storm. And in that stillness there is a kind of emotion that I don’t think I can explain in writing. It’s so good and so hard at the same time. But, in that stillness there is an opportunity for a fresh start every single time. That’s an opportunity that someone who is healthy may only get a few times in their life. As someone who is sick, I get it all the time. And that’s a special kind of lucky. 
  5. I am a wealth of Netflix knowledge. A Netflix-opedia, if you will. I never thought this is what I would be good at at this point in my life...but what do you know? Here I am! I would like to thank Steve Jobs for creating my iPad, the inventor of Netflix, and also the ticks that bit me, for getting me to this point. 

I could keep going. And I probably will at some point. But I just wanted to give you a few for now since I’ve been a negative nancy lately. And, I would say that I’m sorry for that. But I’m not. I’ve said from the beginning that I was going to be real here, and that’s what I’m doing. Things are not easy right now. I’m not always positive and inspirational. But I CAN always find something good in every day. And I just wanted to leave you with a few of those things today. Thanks for sticking around. Xoxo

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