Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lyme month day 24–A Break

Let’s address the elephant in the room. I have been terrible at blogging this month. I am not going to make excuses, but I do have an explanation. And I hope that you will hear me out. 

Lyme. Is. Exhausting. 

But hold on. Before you click out of this post because you think it’s going to just be me talking about how much everything sucks, give me just a second. 

I have been having a hard time. I would be lying if I told you otherwise. I feel like I’ve been living at the doctors’ lately. I’m on the verge of hopefully some really forward motion but I’m also being hit with some super unnerving new symptoms as I wait for that next step to be able to happen. It’s a scary teeter-totter again right now. And it’s exhausting. 

And yes, over the last few weeks, I have had a few days where I did not post a blog. A couple of those days I fell asleep—one of those days I literally fell asleep with my phone in my hand typing out the post. And the rest of the days I simply did not get out of a post. There were various reasons that are not important; I just did not get out a post. Lyme does not take a break, but sometimes I need to. And that is okay. 

But I am not the only one that is going through something hard right now. I am not the only one who has Lyme. I am not the only one who is chronically ill. I am not the only one who has any kind of struggle. I am not the only one who is busy. I am not the only one who is a human. I can 100% guarantee that if you are reading this, you are also going through something, or have gone through something. Something that has been tough. Something that you have had a hard time keeping up with. Something that is exhausting. 

And I just want to remind you (yes YOU), in case no one else has lately, that it is okay. It is okay to give yourself a break every now and then. I know it’s hard. I know you’re busy. I know you are overwhelmed. I know you’re tired. I know people are depending on you. I know it’s even just hard sometimes to be a human. But it is a little easier if you let it be—if you cut yourself a break sometimes. 

But...if you are something like an anesthesiologist, or a bridge support builder, maybe don’t cut yourself a break there. Keep doing that. Fully. Please. 

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