Friday, May 18, 2018

Lyme month day 18–Then It Will Make Sense

Today I was talking to someone who doesn’t know much about Lyme. And when I say they don’t know much about Lyme that is not my own judgement; they said to me “I really don’t know much at all about Lyme.” 

And it got me thinking. 

It’s easy to feel like there is a lot of awareness surrounding something that is important to someone in your life. If you are friends with me on my social media, or even maybe friends with me in real life to an extent, you see a lot about Lyme. You probably think that it’s crazy that someone wouldn’t know anything about it. And you may even think that this push for awareness—from me and from humans in general—is unwarranted because you see so much out there about it. It seems like I’m talking about it all the time. And you may not understand why I am so adamant that no one understands and that more awareness is so crucial to get people more help. 

And I understand that. I really do. 

If I’m bombarding your viewing space with it, it IS going to seem like it’s everywhere. If you’re clicking on things that I post about it, you’re going to start getting ads about it too, and then it’s going to be even more places. It makes complete and total sense that it’s going to seem like I’m being crazy in saying that there’s no awareness or nothing out there talking about it. 

But then you will run into someone like I was talking to today. Someone who does not know me. Someone who knows nothing about Lyme. Someone who saw a tick in real life for the first time last week. Someone who is desperate for knowledge and asking all the questions. Because they are scared. Because they don’t know. Because someone like me is not right in front of them like I’m right in front of you. 

And then you’ll see it differently. And then it will make sense. 

So yes, I may be drowning you in awareness and stories and facts—especially this month every year. But if I can drown you in all of it, maybe you can hold onto enough of it that you can share some of it with someone else who needs it. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a thousand times—it takes us all. 

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