Friday, May 25, 2018

Lyme month day 25–Non-Lyme-Leigh

After chatting with a real life friend today and realizing that there were some non-lyme-life things she didn’t know about me, I realized there were probably a lot of non-lyme-life things that you, my blog friends, don’t know about me either. So, I’m going to let you into my non-lyme-life a little more today. Because there are so many more things about me than my Lyme. So much life that I lived before it. And believe it or not, so much of me still outside of it now. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to non-lyme-Leigh: 

  1. I have a birthmark on my ankle that is shaped like the Statue of Liberty. 
  2. The number one thing on my bucket list is to rent a small drivable RV and take a trip—either across the country or up and down the east coast. But, I want to go with someone else so that I get both the experience of driving it and riding in the back while it’s moving. 
  3. I have only used green toothbrushes for probably 10 years now. I almost switched to a teal one when I needed a new one last week but I just couldn’t do it. 
  4. I am a pro parallel-parker. With the curb on either side of the car. Ironically, I failed my driving test the first time for timing out on parallel parking. 
  5. My dog is my favorite thing in the whole world. But you probably knew that one if you know me at all. 
  6. I do have a college degree. That’s one that my friend didn’t know, so I thought I’d tell you, just in case you didn’t know either.  I’m super proud of it and can’t wait to be healthy enough to use it again someday. 
  7. One day when I was little, my cousin scared me in my grandparents basement and I have been afraid of basements ever since. Whenever I walk into a basement, a creepy music box soundtrack plays in my head.
  8. My favorite movie of all time is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The original one. I know ALL the words. All of them. I could be a one woman show. 
  9. My eyebrows are curly. Just going to leave that one right there for you. As weird of a situation as it sounds like it is, it is. 
  10. I really, passionately, hate lemons in my water at restaurants. I read an article once about how dirty they are and I have never recovered. 

So, there you go. There are some things about me that you may not have known. Like I said, there is so much about me that isn’t my Lyme. Sure, my Lyme is huge. It’s a lot of me. But is by no means all of me. So thanks for taking a minute to learn a little more about non-Lyme-Leigh, too. 

If this is the first time you’ve met this part of me—hi, it’s so nice to meet you! I’m so glad you’re here.

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