Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

I don't believe in New Years resolutions. I honestly believe that we should want to better ourselves everyday, not just because it's New Years and you feel like it's the right thing to say you're going to do. I also feel like making resolutions puts a lot of pressure on us that isn't always productive--sometimes it's even harmful. If you set a resolution for yourself saying that you will exercise every day and then you end up not being able to stick to it for one reason or another, what happens? Have you failed?  

The correct answer to that question is no. You are no less than you were yesterday. Nothing has changed. In a whole lot of situations, a New Years resolution is really nothing but a set up for disappointment--something that leaves you feeling worse instead of better about yourself. And, honestly, it's not worth it. If you want to be a better person, or you want to change something about yourself, start with something attainable--something that will make you feel better a lot deeper down than the normal superficial resolutions. 

Here are some suggestions if you're feeling stumped:

1. Focus on your health--your whole-body health. Not the "I want to fit back into my jeans from highschool" kind of health. Not the "I have too many zits" kind of superficial thing. Instead, think about your mind. Think about the things that make you feel bad deep down. Think about the things that are holding you back. Shoot for the things that will make your head hit the pillow at night with a smile on your face instead of a tear running down your cheek. That's what's important. When your heart is happy and your mind is happy, everything else will start to fall into place.

2. Do something that will make other people feel better. Reach out to someone else and let them know that they matter and that their struggles are real. Whether it's someone in your life who is sick, someone who is struggling financially, or someone who just needs an extra ear to listen to them...you can be that person. Be that person for someone else, and who knows, someone may be that person for you when you need them. 

3. Make an effort to see the good things in every day. My mom told me a few years ago that I would be happier if I took the time every night to write down three good things that happened to me that day. And, she was right. Taking the time to find three good things even on the worst days puts a whole new perspective on things. It may be hard at first, but the longer you make the effort, the easier it becomes. 

4. Start doing something you've always wanted to do but have never taken the time to start. Whether it's taking a class, joining a club, starting a blog, or reading a new book, if it's something you've wanted to do, it will leave you feeling fulfilled. Don't choose something just because everyone else is doing it. Do it because you want to. Even if you don't end up enjoying it, you will be able to say that you tried. You will never have to wonder again what it would be like. 

Just think about it. You don't have to listen to me. Do what is best for you--you know you best, and only you can make you better. Try to be the best you there is, and that is all that you can do.

I may not believe in New Years Resolutions, but I believe in you. You can do anything, starting right now. 

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