Thursday, May 2, 2019

I’m baaaack!

Hello! I finally was able to get back into my account so here we go—Lyme awareness month, day 1...kinda!

As I write this, I am lying on the bed after I just had my picc line dressing changed. I realized that last year I didn’t have this picc line and wasn’t in the middle of treatment, so I guess we can start there—with a recap of my year from last May til now! 

Since last year I have: 
1. Gotten a picc line in October. 
2. Started IV treatment through that picc line. 
3. Had to get a new picc line in January because the first one re-routed itself from my heart (where it is supposed to be sitting) up into my jugular (where it is not supposed to be sitting)
4. Gone through 6 rounds of treatment. 
5. FINALLY gotten good news about my spleen and liver for the first time in TEN YEARS. 
6. Gotten a whole lot more tired and a whole lot tougher.

So, that brings us to today. I am, like I said, 6 months into treatment. I have hopeful moments. Moments where I think maybe I’m finally going to see the light at the end of this tunnel. And I have moments where that light is nowhere to be found. Lyme is hard. Lyme treatment is harder. But I’m nothing if not determined. And excited to be back here sharing with you again!

Thanks for being here. 

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