Monday, July 11, 2016


I've always been one to remember dates. Two years since this happened. Five since that happened. I've always been that girl. But, since I've been sick, there have been a lot more days like that that have been added to my memory. They aren't all necessarily days that I want to remember. But they are all days that have stuck in my head.

This Wednesday is one of them.

This Wednesday, July 13th, 2016, I turn 26. (That's not the bad part, just in case you weren't sure 🙂) but it's also my six year headache anniversary.

Six years ago, on my 20th birthday, I got a stabbing pain in my head. That pain, and the pain that has grown to radiate around it, has not gone away ever since.

Now, I am by no means telling you this for sympathy. If you've been here long enough you know that I don't write my blog for sympathy. Sympathy is the last thing I want. And, plus, we all have our things that we deal with. One of mine just happens to be a 6-year headache. It's painful, it's been life-altering, and it's nothing i'd ever wish on anyone. But it's also out of my control. And, I mean, shoot, there has to be a Guinness record coming up for me sometime, right?

So, the reason I'm even writing about this is because I believe it's something to celebrate. I believe that the fact that, come Wednesday, I will have woken up for 2,190 days and opened my eyes hoping to not feel the pain anymore, only to realize it was still there is something to celebrate. Because, waking up and doing something that feels nearly impossible every day for 6 years is something to celebrate.

So celebrate I will! And celebrate you should, too. Not my headache-iversary. Unless you are just looking for a reason to celebrate on Wednesday. In which case, you go right ahead and use me as a reason! But, celebrate the anniversary of hard times in your life. Because you made it. You made it through something tough. Whether it's a week. A year. Ten years ago. It doesn't matter. You did it. I've been doing it for six years now and even though I'm still fighting it, I am proud of myself. And you should be too. For any battle you have fought, are fighting, or will fight.

I am strong. And you are too.

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