Friday, October 17, 2014


The way I look at it, every morning when you wake up you have two choices. You can choose to be positive, or you can choose to be negative. Okay, so you can also choose which cereal you want to eat, or if you'd rather have a cookie. So, I guess you really have more than two choices. But for the sake of this post, we're going with just two: being negative or being positive. 

It's easy some days to automatically choose negativity. If the day before ended badly, why not just assume you're going to have another bad day, right? I get that. I think everyone feels that way some days. But, no matter how the day before ended, it ended. It's over. And you have the incredible opportunity in front of you every single day to be positive. No matter what. 

Lately I have seen more negativity than I know what to do with. On Facebook. On the news. On Twitter. In real life. It's constant. It's overwhelming. And it doesn't make sense to me. Of course there are reasons to be negative. There are reasons to be in a bad mood. There are reasons to hate everyone and everything. I'm not sitting here telling you never to feel that way, ever. If I did that, I would be the biggest hypocrite in the world and I would suggest you never read what I had to say ever again. 

But, what it comes down to is really your choice. Are you going to let something that upset you today continue to brew and fester (ew) and take over your world? Or are you going to stop it dead it its tracks? Are you going to wallow in it? Or are you going to cry it out, eat some cake, and move on? It's your choice. And no one can take that from you. But, you owe it to yourself to make the decision that is going to make your life better. (Note: that choice is positivity.) 

Now you're probably wondering why I'm sitting here telling you what to do when I don't even know your story. And, you're right. I don't know your story. But that doesn't matter. You know your story. And the power to choose negativity or positivity is in your hands. Not mine. After you finish reading this, I'm out. I have no more control over anything regarding your life or your story. Your story is your story, just like my story is my story. And there's something uniquely beautiful about that. But what's even more beautiful is positivity. Add those things together and you have a recipe for success--a recipe for happiness.

So now I'm handing you the mixer, and leaving you with the choice. If you are reading this thinking that I'm absolutely crazy and that there is no way to always be positive, you are half right. (The half about not always being positive, in case you weren't sure.) And if you are reading this thinking that sometimes it's hard to be positive, you are absolutely right. It is a challenge. An ongoing challenge. But, if you're reading this thinking about taking on that challenge, even just for one day (because after one day you will realize that it really is worth it), my work here is done. 

So, tomorrow morning, it's all you. And if you can't do it tomorrow, try the next day. That is okay. It's not easy. That's why it's called a challenge. But, I'm in this challenge with you. And I know you can do it. 

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about having a more positive outlook. I saw an article about the 5 Minute Journal and ended up downloading the app. I'm loving it!! It really helps me try to keep a more positive attitude.
