Friday, September 5, 2014

Gratitude, pt. 2

There are two things in life that I can't seem to wrap my mind around no matter how hard I try. The first is math. And the second is being ungrateful. 

I'm pretty sure I have written before about gratitude. I think I've mentioned that if I were to have to choose one word to describe myself, it would be "grateful."

And so I don't really get it. I don't get how someone can go through life without that. How can you get up every morning without thanking your lucky stars for simply waking up that morning? How can you go to bed without being thankful that you made it through another day? 

Sure, I have days that are terrible. We all have days that are terrible. That's life. But it doesn't matter. Getting through a bad day is getting through a day, regardless. And having gotten through it means it's over. Sure, maybe the situation that caused your bad day isn't over, but the day itself is over. And every day is a new start; every day is a new chance. 

And, I don't mean "I don't get it" in the sense that I can't believe someone would not live with the attitude of gratitude. (I just wrote and erased about five different ways to write that so it didn't sound cheesy, but it didn't work, so I resorted back to the cheesiest.) I mean "I don't get it" in the sense that I actually, sincerely do not understand. I'm not insulting those who aren't grateful. I guess, what it really comes down to is that I am grateful to be able to be grateful. I'm grateful that I have the mindset that allows me to feel the sincere gratitude that I pride myself on every single day. And when someone in my life is so actively ungrateful, I just can't wrap my mind around it. 

In case you're having a hard time feeling grateful tonight, here are a few things that might be able to spark some gratitude in you. No promises, but hope you might be able to find at least one thing on this list that will help you. 

1. It's almost Fall. And Fall means cooler weather, pumpkins, and the best candles at Bath and Body Works. 
2. You are reading this. Which means you have some method of getting on the internet. A smartphone, a computer, a computer at the library, a friend's computer. Whatever it may be. 
3. Pajama pants. There are few things better than putting pajama pants on at the end of the day. If nothing else, it's a sign that you made it. 
4. The new Dancing With The Stars cast was announced yesterday. 
5. Bath and Body Works body wash can double as bubble bath. I recently discovered this, and now I'm using up all the smells I've received as gifts and don't really want to use as body wash. Perfect solution. 
6. In number 5, I used the words double and bubble. Unexpected rhyming is the best kind of rhyming. 
7. Technology. Some of the most important people in my life I have to communicate with solely through technology. It's weird to rely on something that our parents didn't even have, but it's also the greatest thing ever. 
8. We have options. Every single day. Even if the only choice you make in a day is what to wear, or what to eat for breakfast, or how many more episodes you're going to watch before you go to bed, you have options. And they're yours and yours alone. Imagine a world without options. Options about how we live our life. Options about who we have in our life. Options about which font to use. So many options. 
9. Chick-fil-a sweet tea. Enough said.
10. You have the choice to change your attitude right now to one of gratitude. If you found something in this list that inspired you, great! Now take it, sleep on it, and wake up tomorrow and run with it. I guarantee your list of reasons to be grateful will grow without you even realizing it. 

Sometimes it takes work to be grateful. Some days in the darkest moments it's hard to remember why it's worth it to search high and low for those reasons. But it's always worth it. 

I've been told many times that my attitude is awesome. But what it stems from is gratitude. 

I am grateful. 

And you can be too. 

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