Friday, June 13, 2014


Sometimes I have a hard time letting myself believe that the way I'm feeling is okay. Not just about Lyme, either. Just about life in general. And, since it happens to me, I have a feeling it happens to some of you, too. So, let this post serve as a reminder--if you're having a bad day, if you're having a good day, and even if you don't know what kind of day you're having--everything is okay.

Being sad is okay. Being happy is okay. Being lazy sometimes is okay. Not being able to get out of bed is okay--tomorrow is another day. Laughing is okay. Crying is okay. Being afraid is okay. Eating that chocolate bar is okay. Watching entire seasons on Netflix in one sitting is okay. Having big dreams is okay. Being content is okay. Wanting more is okay--that's what pushes us. Liking what you see in the mirror is okay. Not liking what you see in the mirror is okay--we all have those days. Spending time with friends is okay. Not wanting to spend time with friends is okay. Being passionate about lots of things is okay. Having an opinion is okay. Saying "I love you" a lot is okay. Being sick is okay. Being healthy is okay. Being tall is okay. Being short is okay. Feeling well is okay. Not feeling well is okay. 

Being you is okay. 

Everything is okay. 

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