Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I've seen this thing going around the internet today called #dearme. The idea is that you talk, either through a video or writing, to your younger/high school self. I'm not usually one to participate in things going around like this, but I thought this one was pretty cool and harmless. So, here goes. 

Dear 16 year old Leigh--
First of all, I love you. You don't tell yourself that enough. But it's important. Say it more. And say it to other people as well. It's not lame to express your emotions. It's not lame to let people know how you feel. Remember that. But at the same time be careful. Be careful who you're opening up to. Not everyone cares as much as you think they do. And soon some of them will be out of your life as quickly as they came. It happens. College happens. And, as cliche as it sounds, life goes on. And you can't get it back. So just think before you talk. You're good at listening, but you'll soon learn that most people are better at talking than they are at listening. And that's okay. Keep listening. Let them talk. Soon you will find people who will do the listening. 

And, not to be a downer, but you know those headaches you've been having? They don't go away. They actually get worse, as hard as that probably is to believe. And, on your 20th birthday you will get the worst headache you've ever had. And you'll have it every day for at least 4 years. (Happy birthday to you!) So, be thankful for the time you have now. Hang out with your friends on school nights. You stay out past your curfew for the first time next year, but you really should do it more often. (Sorry mom). Go to the mall on the weekends. In a few years it will make you sick to be in there, so go now while you can. Get chickfila twice in one week. Spend too much money on things you don't need. (But seriously, stop getting your eyebrows waxed. You are going to regret this year's school picture.) Soon you will watch your body become filled with bacteria and infection and turn into a painful blob. So do whatever the hell you want now. Just because you can. Trust me on this one. 

And, most importantly, know that you're going to be okay. I know I just told you what probably feels like the saddest story of your life, but stick it on the back burner for now. There will come a time when it consumes you. So, for now, don't worry about it. And even when you get to the point in your life when it does consume you, spoiler alert: you are still going to be okay. You will be stronger than you ever knew you could be. And you will find the importance of people you never thought would be in your life. You're surrounded by people right now that you don't even know will become everything you need in a few years. (Does that make you curious? It should. It's like a weird precognition version of Where's Waldo.) 

Seriously though, 16 year old Leigh...take a deep breath, hug your mom (she gets cooler as time passes too, by the way), and know that you're doing okay. You're doing this life thing right. And I, your future self, am proud of you.